Becoming a recognized school is a voluntary process that involves periodic rigorous examinations.
Stringent procedures are used to scrutinize administration, course content, faculty, and teaching methods to ensure compliance with established state standards. Atlanta Dog Trainer Academy for Professional Dog Trainers has been authorized by the Georgia Non-Public Post-Secondary Education Commission. The GNPEC approves our certification for students attending our academy. They also attest to the fact that our programs are sound, the faculty is highly qualified, the administration is responsible and ethical, that the students report having a valuable experience, and that completing and placement rates meet high standards. Atlanta Dog Trainer Academy for Professional Dog Trainers is a privately owned and operated vocational school which maintains a caring family atmosphere. We are dedicated to the advancement of the field of Dog Training by certifying trainers armed with the most current and practical training methods valued by prospective employers and pet owners.
Our academy for professional dog trainers is highly regarded as the “BEST in the South”. Our Vocational Academy for professional dog trainers is recognized for its leadership, innovation, and affiliations with other professional organizations and individuals; such as Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta, Angels Among Us, Fur Kids, Friends of the Forlorn, Labrador Friends of the South, Furry Friends, Forsyth Humane Society, Atlanta Humane Society, Mutts and More, Boxer rescue, Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta, and many more plus over 45 veterinarians recommend us as their exclusive trainers.
Our school is a highly respected center for Dog Training Education located near North Metro Atlanta, Georgia. The need for qualified Dog “Educators” and Trainers is also growing at an ever increasing rate as more people demand certified personnel to assist in the training and resolution of behavioral problems such as ; aggression responses, phobic or trauma based behaviors and separation anxiety, just to name a few. Atlanta Dog Trainer’s Vocational Academy is a private vocational school Certified and Approved by the Non-Public Post-secondary Education Commission Act of 1990 in the state of Georgia. The School’s certification is honored throughout the United States as well as internationally. Atlanta Dog Trainers’ Vocational Academy has been visited and reviewed pursuant to state standards, and the curriculum is consistent in quality with the curriculum offered by traditional institutions.
Susie Aga at Atlanta Dog Trainer can help you become a successful Professional Dog Trainer. Our methods are positive and effective with proactive behavioral solutions. Our training is based on years of experience training dogs. We will supply you with the knowledge and skills needed to become a Professional Dog Trainer, run a successful business, deal with multiple personality dogs and owners, teach group classes, private, in home training, aggression management as well as how to open and run a doggie daycare, board and train programs, kennel management, and much more.
There are many traditional trainers using the same dog training methods they used 10 years ago. Fear based dog training involves shock and pinch collars, physical and/or mental abuse. These pain-induced methods are the easy way to train. Throwing a bag of chains at a dogs’ feet to stop their jumping is a fear based technique rather than teaching the dog an alternative way to greet. Shocking a dog into submission for being aggressive is a not teaching the dog the skills needed to deal with similar future situations. As every student is different and has different ways of learning so are the dogs and the methods. At Atlanta Dog Trainer’s Academy for Professional Dog Trainer you will learn how to train each dog individually with positive and effective training methods.
Atlanta Dog Trainer’s dog training school for Professional Dog Trainer will teach the core of dog training by building the relationship based on consistency, trust and respect. Atlanta Dog Trainer’s Academy for Professional Dog Trainer courses will include:
Hands on training with very experienced instructors
Full obedience training regime
Behavior modification solutions
Aggression management dog training
Behavioral evaluations and temperament testing for shelters, veterinarians and rescue group
Preparation for CPDT testing, online final exam
Excellent skills to communicate with animals as well as their owners
Breed knowledge, breed selection process and how to evaluate breed characteristics.