Experience Hands-On Professional Dog Training
Master Diverse Breeds and Tackle Behavioral Challenges with Confidence
In our dog training school for Certified Dog Trainers you will learn the process of how to teach:
Desensitization to sounds, especially for sensitive and over-reactive dogs. This includes acclimating dogs to common indoor noises and objects, door bells, motorcycles, trucks, fire crackers, thunder and other sounds that can trigger aggressive behavior.
Indoor manners and impulse control.
Desensitization to kids and adults (if the dog has human or fear induced aggression, lack of socialization as puppies to children, fearful of men and or does not have coping skills to deal with normal situations).
Confidence building exercises for fearful behaviors and dogs that lack confidence (dogs that seem to be over-reactive to normal situations or any change in their surroundings).
Confidence and socialization exercises with positive training tools to teach dogs with low nerve thresholds.
The process of lowering the intensity of the aggressive behavior until it is extinguished (by using positive behavioral tools, re-socialization and obedience training as a core for the rehabilitation process).
The full obedience regime: basic through off-leash dog obedience training. We teach how to be the leader in all situations and excitement levels.
Intermediate dog agility training with novice level trials sequences and speed.
Other Information
The use of course instructional information, books, training equipment and multiple dogs for training purposes are included in the tuition for each level course.
Atlanta Dog Trainer’s for Certified Dog Trainers has flexible hours and course start dates.
All classes are hands on training with certified dog trainers with years of experience and a plethora of certifications.
Please call Susie Aga at 770-754-9178 to set up a consultation.
Upcoming Level 1 Course
Begins: Mid-June 2025
Our classes are small and very individualized only 3-6 students MAX!
Saturday 9am - 3pm & Sunday 9am - 3pm
Cost: $2,500 for 8 weeks
Our Academy for Certified Dog Trainers offers a complete dog obedience training program that covers:
Sit, down, come, release commands.
“Sit” and “Stay” in distractions.
1 minute sit in high distractions.
“Stay” in distractions.
3 minute down in distractions.
Effective ways to socialize your puppy or older dog.
“Wait” inside a car so they do not bolt out of the car.
“Wait” in a doorway.
“Drop” drop any and all things you ask them to.
Leave it.
House breaking.
Bite in inhibition.
Walking on a loose leash (no pulling).
“Off” meaning do not jump on me or anyone else.
“Sit in excitement” the dog must listen to handler when they are excited and/or in high drive.
We teach the dog that their name means “come to me”.
“Come” as an emergency command.
Non verbal “come command” with a sound association.
3 tools to get a dog to come to handler.
How to do assessments, evaluating clients’ pet dogs and shelter dogs
How to correct and address dog’s digging.
How dogs learn.
How to manage and teach group classes.
Private lessons.
How to mark behaviors successfully.
Shaping dog behaviors, chaining and targeting.
Learning how to use training cues.
Behavioral solutions.
Conditioning behaviors.
Puppy training and manners.
Intro aggression management.
Learning all the canine signals from stress, excitement, warings and appeasement.
The course focus is to become a leader, maintain leadership during high excitement and teaching how to be a leader to clients and their dogs.
Enroll now by calling Susie at 770-754-9178
Upcoming Level 2 Course
Begins: March 1, 2025 (FULL)
Our classes are small and very individualized only 3-6 students MAX!
Saturday 9am-3pm & Sunday 9am-3pm
Cost: $2,500 for 8 weeks
School for Certified Dog Trainers’ full dog obedience and behavorial training curriculum includes the following:
Companion dog training.
How to manage and teach larger group classes.
How to do assessments and evaluating clients’ pet dogs and shelter dogs with reactivity/aggression issues
Dog aggression management with counter conditioning solutions.
Addressing fear aggression, separation anxiety, phobic behavior
Leash aggression, dominance aggression, territorial aggression and predatory behavior.
Basic dog agility training.
How to teach a clients no matter what the personality is like.
Clicker training basic levels for dogs, cats and birds.
Dog training addressing different personalities in humans and dogs.
Warning signals and emotional changes in dogs.
Counter conditioning for stress management.
Learning dog obedience training as a method to counter condition fear-based issues
Evaluating clients’ pet dogs and shelter dogs
Fronts & Finishes – First calling your dog to you. They will sit directly in front of you, and then they will go behind you to sit on your left side. This is all one command.
Three fun ways to get your dog to come to you in distractions.
Catch, retrieve and release a toy or object.
Precision heel. Sit when you stop. Turn left and right staying in proper position to walk down a sidewalk in a busy area.
“Sit” in distractions with toys being thrown past the dogs: food distractions, kids and dogs running by, while the dog maintains the long sit for 3–5 minutes. Excellent for when you take your dog to a sports event or a very visually stimulating
“Down” in distractions same as above but with the dog in a down position to be able to stay in a stationary position for example at an outdoor restaurant.
Stationary “place” command in high distractions. Dogs cannot get off the place bed until released, regardless of what is going on around them. Very useful at concerts, festivals, cafes and social events.
Running “STOP” command. Example when your dog is running out your door to go lay in the cul-de-sac!
Sit in motion: Walking fast and giving the “sit” command, your dog will stay in position while you walk away quickly.
Starting out of sight commands: This means dog must stay in positions even if you are out of their sight and a distance away from you.
Starting “off leash heeling” and “off leash basic commands” if the dogs are ready and all safety rules are in place.
Back up. Dogs must know how to back up if you need them to, particularly in tight quarters. Teaching dogs there is a boundary for personal space especially when food s present.
Sit in very high excitement. We will build the dogs drive up and then give them a command one time. They must be in command and IN control in less than 3 seconds. This is excellent for your front door when guest ring the doorbell.
Housebreaking and crate training.
Enroll now by calling Susie at 770-754-9178, or send us a message.
Upcoming Level 3 Course
Begins: To Be Announced
Our classes are small and very individualized only 3-6 students MAX!
Saturday 9am-3pm & Sunday 9am-3pm
Cost: $2,500 for 8 weeks
This is an advanced behavioral curriculum that includes severe dog aggression management and training for phobic and fear-based behaviors:
Full advanced obedience regime complete off leash training. All the commands in basic and intermediate obedience training will be taught with the dog off the leash and in high distractions.
Raising a puppy for advanced off leash training at a early age.
Competition obedience.
Multiple solutions for severe and hard to define behavioral issues: thunder phobia, object and sound reactivity, dogs under extreme stress.
Rehabilitation of shelter dogs.
Severe dog aggression cases and management. Evaluations with veterinarians and rescue groups.
Dock Diving beginners
Special odor detection.
Therapy dog training and setting up the evaluation with Delta for therapy dog certification.
Retrieving training, enhancing ball drive and chase drive for competition field training.
Breed Selection–learn how to do consultations to help families choose the right dog for their life style.
Learn how to address all types of aggression from fear to dominance, territorial, dog to dog aggression, prey, lack of social skills, trauma induced and aggression towards kids or adults.
Severe dog aggression management and training for phobic and fear based behaviors.